ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2014

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Perspectives of Educators Regarding Physical Therapy Work in an Inclusive Context
Môyra Romero Patresi, Simara Pereira da Silva, Fabiana Duarte Brigido

Last modified: 2014-04-03


The educational inclusion of students with disabilities in regular schools requires transformations in traditional teaching paradigms and greater communication between the fields of health and education for the establishment of effective multidisciplinary actions that favor the development of these children. The aim of the present study was to investigate the perceptions of educators in elementary school regarding work involving students with disabilities and the possible contribution of physiotherapists in this context. A qualitative study was carried out involving the administration of a questionnaire to 14 educators at a school in the city of Rio Claro (state of São Paulo, Brazil) that employs inclusive principles. The results underscore the need for further discussion and the implementation of multidisciplinary actions involving educators and health professionals (in this specific case, teachers and physiotherapists) to provide a truly inclusive environment that meets the requirements of the principle of quality education for everyone.


Physical therapy; Education; Inclusion; Educators; Disability


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