ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2014

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Etio-patogenetic therapy of viral encephalitis in children
Elena Skripchenko

Last modified: 2014-04-03


Introduction. In children there are very few antiviral medicine which is allowed for use. The aim: to  evaluate the efficiency of Viferon in complex therapy of children with viral encephalitis (VE). The object. We observed 75 patients with VE from 3 months to 3 years of old. The main group - 57 people, who got as a complex therapy antiviral therapy of wide spectrum which is allowed for use in children from birth – recombinant interferon-a2 Viferon, which contains vitamin C and E (suppository, manufacture of Feron company, Russia). Viferon   provides antiviral and immune modulatory effect. The comparison group  contained 18 patients with VE, comparable on sex, age groups, cause of the disease and etiology, who got complex therapy (Acyclovir, Cytoflavin, pulse-therapy Methylprednisolone №3). Methods. Monitoring of neurological status, virology, radiology, immunology. Results. Etiology of VE: 68% - herpes viruses (1,2,3,4,5,6 types), 10,7%  enteroviruses, 2,6% virus of tick-born encephalitis and rubella virus. Acute cause VE was in 74,7% cases, lingering cause – in 12%, chronicle - 9,3%. In the main group were determined: a significant reduction in the duration of common infectional syndrome, viremia, repeated exacerbations, a frequency of residual neurologic deficit reduction and cystic-gliosis-atrophic process in the central nervous system, significantly accelerated restoration of normal production interferon-α in blood. Side effects of Viferon were not revealed. Conclusion. The use of suppositories Viferon  in complex therapy children with VE under 3 years of old  is safe, effective and helps to improve the disease outcomes.


viral encephalitis, nervous system, antiviral therapy, children

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