ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2014

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Natalia Skripchenko, Nikolai Morgatskiy, Galina Ivanova, Marina Ivanova, Alla Vilnits, Nadejda Pulman, Evgenij Gorelik

Last modified: 2014-04-03


Emergency specific prevention of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) using intramuscular administration of anti-tick immunoglobulin should be performed directly after tick bite in persons non-immunized 
against TBE as well as in those seeking medical advice within 96 hours after bite. However, low  efficacy of specific TBE prevention, high risk of parenteral contamination after blood preparation  administration triggered development of a new approach to such TBE prevention. The aim of the study was an assessment of efficacy of antiviral drug Anaferon for children (AnC) for emergency  chemoprophylaxis of TBE in children. The study enrolled 980 subjects aged 2-17 years seeking medical advice after tick bite. AnC is an endogenous interferon inductor (IFN-alpha and IFN-gamma) containing affinity purified antibodies to human IFN-gamma in release active form. It has been approved for use starting from the age of 1 month. All children enrolled into the study were analyzed for blood TBE virus and level of blood specific immunoglobulins M and G using, blood interferon level (IFN-alpha, -beta and -gamma). Analysis of immunoglobulins and IFN was performed twice: prior to emergency prophylaxis and one month later. It was shown that emergency chemoprophylaxis of TBE in children using Anaferon for children is effective and safe in patients of different age and cause of the disease.


tick-born encephalitis,children, anaferon for children, therapy

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