ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2014

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Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Brazilian Developmental Disorders Project
Cristina Maria Pozzi, Alessandra Freitas Russo, Milena Rossetti, Francisco Baptista Assumpção Jr

Last modified: 2014-04-03


The Pervasive Development Disorders Laboratory is a multidisciplinary diagnostic service in the Psychology Institute of the University of Sao Paulo which purpose is the clinical study of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This is a complex neurodevelopmental condition with great impact on lifelong and prevalence around 1:110 births. Early diagnostic and intervention implies in a better prognosis. Between 2005 and 2012, 447 patients was referred from primary attention child services of Sao Paulo and others states. After medical and neuropsychological screening, it was proceeded the evaluation in accordance with the multiaxial system (DSM-IV-TR), using specific autism and developmental scales, neurological examination and neuropsychological tests. From the 447 assessment, 128 (28.6%) patients received diagnosis of ASD, in a ratio of 2,6 boys : 1 girl. The age varied between 2 and 42 years (average of 9,2 ± 6,3). The main complaints had been global development or language delay (12% and 11%, respectively), hyperactivity (10%), learning difficulties (10%), social deficits (11%) and behavioral problems (7%). Only 22.7% had ASD as initial hypothesis. There was intellectual disability and/or deficit in the adaptive behavior in 50% of cases. The main medical condition observed was epilepsy and previous prematurity. This survey evidences the lack of prepared services of child mental health for the accomplishment on the diagnosis of ASD and, over all, in an early age. Although they have come of primary health services, only less than one quarter of patients had the suspicion of ASD.


autism spectrum disorder; neuropsychological evaluation; children


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