ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2014

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Juliane Sauter Dalbem, Heloise Helena Siqueira, Regina Papais Alvarenga

Last modified: 2014-04-03


Background:  Febrile seizure is a type of seizure wich is more common in childhood,affecting approximately 2-4% of children. Objective: Determine the prevalenceof febrile seizures in children aged 1 month to 5 years of age, and to identifythe clinical and epidemiological profile of the selected sample. Methods: Cross-sectional study, door-to-door, conducted in two phases, in Barra doBugres town, Mato Grosso state, from August 2012 to August 2013. The town has2,726 inhabitants aged between 0-4 years and 11 months. We use the definitionof febrile convulsion establishedby the International League Against Epilepsy. Results: In the first phase 103 children with suspected seizure event were taken to theclinical center, these 18 (17.5 %) had febrile seizures, 50 % were male. The age of the children remained between 1-5 years. The prevalence of febrile seizures in the sample was 6.6/1,000 inhabitants aged 0-5 years. The age offirst seizure ranged from 1-60 months (average 19,3 months) . Regarding the type of seizures 88.8 % of patients had generalized seizures.  In 33.3% of cases we found family history of febrile seizures in 1st degree relatives and history of epilepsy in 11.1% ofcases. Conclusions:  The prevalence in Mato Grosso showed to be lower than that found in another studyin southern Brazil (16/1000), which can be justifiedby a geographical diversity and methodological differences between the studies.


febrile seizure, prevalence


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