ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2014

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Pediatric migraine: use of ICHD II. criteria and treatment efficacy
Zvonka Rener-Primec, Simona Legisa, Simona Legisa, klara krvavica, klara krvavica, mihael Rogac, mihael Rogac

Last modified: 2014-04-03


Objective. We assessed ICHD II.criteria in all children referred to our hospital during 2011.

Methods. Out of 185 patients, 148 fulfilled inclusion criteria. Medical records were analysed, the current condition was assessed by two questionnaires. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS 20;

Results. Among 68 boys and 80 girls with migraine, the frequency in girls increased with age, while it was more frequent in boys in the age group younger than seven. 43.2% had migraine without aura, 41.2% with aura, 15.6% other types. The clinical features matched criteria ICHD II. in more than 2/3 of children; the sensitivity to smell during the attack was present in 25.6% patients. The pain was bilateral in 44.4%. In 50% of children younger than 11 years the headache lasted less than 2 hours. Therapeutic measures were effective in 2/3 of patients. The average result of the PedMIDAS was 18.1. The migraine was not a burden for 80.4% of the children. All hypotheses tested at the p < 0.05 level.

Conclusions. the use of ICHD II criteria as diagnostic tool is appropriate in 2/3 children with migraine: bilateral localization and duration of the headache less than two hours are important criteria in preschool age patients compared to the adult population. Oversensitivity to smell is an accompanying symptom in one quarter of the patients. Therapeutic measures are effective in more than 50% of the patients. Prophylactic measures can efficiently reduce the frequency and intensity, but are rarely used


migraine, children, diagnostic criteria, ICHD II., treatment

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