ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2014

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Learning difficulty in risk children Is it possible to prevent?
Maria Gabriela Delucchi Bottaro, Margarita Isola, Marisa Burgueño, Maria Isabel Grajales, Virginia Marichal, Kessler Pamela

Last modified: 2014-04-03


INTRODUCTION. SERENAR started in August 2006.Its objective is to follow risk psychoneurosensorial new borns up to  7 years of age. Due to the frequency of the alterations detected during the follow up, a retrospective analysis of the evolution is performed, when it ends.

OBJECTIVES. To evaluate school learning at the end of the first year, detection of  learning difficulties precursors,  impact of tracking in the child and family.

MATERIALS and METHOD. Review of 22 cases at the end of follow up ,evaluated at 3,4,and 7 years of age ,that fulfilled scheduled appointment.They take part of the program due to prematurity (12),asphyxia (3) other(7). They received guidance, interventions or therapeutic references.

RESULTS. 14% (3) did not show school difficulties, 86% showed difficulties .Of these 84% (16) with mild or moderate alterations, 16% severe. After 3 years of age major alterations in standarised  assessments were detected. 75% of children fulfilled treatments.

DISCUSSION. In all cases follow up was accomplished, but receptivity at indications varied.Children with most severe learning difficulties were those who at the beginning had most severe neurologic deficit.

CONCLUSION .A very high percentage of  children at risk showed learning difficulties at the end of follow up. All children were detected with precocious alterations in different development areas. In children without learning difficulty at age 7 these alterations reversed in response to  interventions in due time.

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