ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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Factors associated with Electroencephalographic and Clinical Remission of Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes
Su Jeong You, Eun Hye Lee

Last modified: 2018-09-09


Purpose: Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS) is strongly age-related, both with regards to age of seizure onset and remission. However, age of its remission is various. The purpose of the present study is to determine the factors associated with the remission of BECTS.

Methods: Sixty-nine children with BECTS were retrospectively analyzed. Thirty-eight (55.1%) were boys and 31 (44.9%) were girls with the mean age at seizure onset (86.36±24.55 month, range: 41-151month).

Results: Of the 69 patients, 36 patients had improvement or remission of EEG under 11.5 years (Group A, early improvement group) and 33 patients had improvement or remission of EEG above 11.5 years (Group B, late improvement group). When compared with group A and Group B, there are significant differences in age of seizure onset. Also when compared with last seizure at age of 9 years, there are significant differences in age of seizure onset. The earlier onset of seizure, the earlier improvement of EEG and seizure remission were noted

Conclusion: The most important factor of earlier remission of BECTS is age of onset.


Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS); Prognosis; age; Rolandic

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