ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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The Assessment and Management of Childhood Masturbation: An Analysis of 45 Cases
Hüseyin Per

Last modified: 2018-09-09


Aim:  Childhood masturbation (CM) is defined as self-stimulating pleasure behaviors of the child. In this study, was aimed to investigate the etiologic factors, socio-economic differences, movement patterns, associated clinical conditions, and the clinical outcomes.Materials and Methods: Forty-five cases with a final diagnosis of CM were evaluated by the assessment scale and video recordings in our clinic between 2015 and 2017.Results: The study population consisted of 16 males (%35.5), and 29 females (%64.5). A total of 75% of cases were infants. Patients were followed for 1 to 16 months. All cases were diagnosed with CM based on their history of the behaviors, masturbation symptoms, as well as the evaluation of video recordings. The median time between onset of symptoms and diagnosis of CM was 3 months (1-12) and 3 months (1-12) in infantile cases. The median frequency of events was five times per week and the median masturbation frequency, 3 times/day.The types of movement were the mixed in 47% of cases, and the friction in 36% of cases. The behavioral treatment was sufficient in 30 patients (66.7%). In the remaining cases, hydroxyzine hydrochloride and risperidone were given in 10 and 5 of cases, respectively. Risperidone treatment was preferred in cases who have the concomitant disorder. Overall, 80% of cases receiving hydroxyzine hydrochloride, or risperidone improved during follow-up period.Conclusion: The behavioral changes are effective treatment method in childhood masturbation, particularly in infants. Pharmacologic treatment may be useful in unimproved cases.


Childhood masturbation, diagnosis, behavioral treatment, Hydroxyzine hydrochloride

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