ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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Open label randomized comparison of levetiracetam and sodium valproate monotherapy in childhood epilepsy

Last modified: 2018-09-09


Objectives: To compare the efficacy of levetiracetam and sodium valproate in childhood epilepsy by comparing repeat seizures for 6 months and compare side effect profile, retention rates and time to first seizure. Methodology: Study included 100 cases of newly diagnosed epilepsy( generalised or focal motor)  (3 to 12 years),50 in each group. Children received oral valproate or levetiracetam in dose of 20mg/kg/day after initial loading dose and seizure control randomly. The children were followed up for 6 months .Drug levels were estimated by ELISA method at steady state ,end of therapy and in case of any seizure activity. Side effect and repeat seizures were recorded. Results: Two groups were comparable in age/sex distribution ,anthropometry, hematological parameters and etiological proile.  In 6 months number of children with repeat seizure were 8 in valproate group and 12 in levetiracetam group (p =0.317). Mean time to first seizure was similar in both groups( p=0.930). Mean survival time (time to first repeat seizure) was 145.16 in levetiracetam and 159.80 with valproate. The hazard ratio of the valproate group for treatment failure was lower. About 38% reduction in hazard of treatment failure in the valproate group as compared to the levetiracetam group but not significant (p=0.297). Side effects were comparable (p=0.341). Behavioural side effects were significantly more with levetiracetam (p=0.021).Conclusion: Oral levetiracetam and valproate are comparable in efficacy and side effects when used as first line treatment in children (3 -12 years) presenting with focal motor epilepsy or generalized tonic clonic epilepsy




childhood epilepsy , valproate , levetiracetam

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