ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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To address the issue comprehensively by measuring various neurobiological parameters exclusively in children and adolescents and an effort to bridge the gap between childhood and adult aggressive behavior.
P K Maheshwari, Sagar Lavania, Vishwas K

Last modified: 2018-09-09


Objectives-To address the issue comprehensively by measuring various neurobiological parameters exclusively in children and adolescents and an effort to bridge the gap between childhood and adult aggressive behavior.

Methodology-The present study was cross sectional hospital based controlled study in which subjects were recruited by purposive sampling technique. 30 Adolescent psychiatry patients with aggression (Experimental group), 30 Adolescent psychiatry patients without aggression (Patient controls) and 20 Normal controls were investigated. Patients of mental retardation were excluded. Measurements were taken on-Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL), Modified Overt Aggression Scale, Barrat Impulsiveness Scale, State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory & Children Aggression Scale. For assay of biochemical parameters- High Performance Liquid Chromatography for assessing level of plasma homocysteine, DHEAS ELIZA Assay, Testesterone ELIZA Assay, Thyroid Hormone ELIZA Assay, Blood Glucose level, Complete lipid profile & 32 channels qEEG.

Results-The comparison between the patient groups on clinical variables. Results show that there is a significant difference between 2groups in terms of Total AAQ Score(p=0.001), score of Trait and State Anger (p=0.001), Non-Planning Impulsivity (p=0.040), Verbal Aggression (p=0.001), Aggression toward Animals & objects (p=0.001). Results show that there is  significant difference between 3groups in level of T3 (p=0.001) and testosterone (p=0.001). The post-hoc analysis column indicates that groups differ significantly on the biochemical variables. Intra- hemispheric analysis showed significant difference between groups across delta, alpha and gamma wave frequency in parieto-occipital region bilaterally.

Conclusion-There is change of bio and electrochemical parameters in child & adolescent patients having aggression.



Neurobiology; Aggression

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