ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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Tele medicine via Video Consultations for children awaiting Developmental Assessement
Edith Posener

Last modified: 2018-09-09


Due to increasing demand and sparsity of personnel, Children with developmental disabilities often must wait for long months to be evaluated properly. We planned a service for a preliminary video-chat consultation delivered to the parents while they are on the waiting list for our services.

We have written protocols for consultation for 15 simple developmental problems, which constitute the majority of the referrals for physiotherapy, occupational therapy or speech therapy. (i.e delayed motor millstones, speech difficulties, coordination problems etc..). We can pull out from the waiting list the children with those 15 problems and offer the parents a 20 minutes video-chat, by the special therapist according to the child's difficulties.

During the chat we give them preliminary program to help and promote their child while waiting for the assessment. We send video and documents with explanations and exercises. We also look for "red flags" - in this case their appointment for evaluation will be advanced, or in case of low severity – their appointment will take place in its turn. This triage is important for early intervention and intelligent management of services in less severe problems.

We will report our success and failure to recruit parents to this service, their satisfaction, and the result of the triage.


developmental disorders; telemedicine

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