ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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Pseudospasticity dysbasya in children
Julia Sadovskaya, Valentina Rodionova, Maria Karpilova, Anna Bitova

Last modified: 2018-09-09


It is known that toe-walking is a common phenomenon in children with autism. We examined 120 children with transient pseudospasticity dysbasia (TPD) in katamnesis – primary aged 2-6 years (average age of 5.1± 1.7 years) and again at age 12 -14 years (mean age of 12.5± 2.3 years). Used clinical methods of neurological, psychiatric, orthopedic, ophtalmologic examinations, sensory profile, short version, parent questionnaire on the sensory response Kranowitz K., Ayres J. The Diagnosis was put by exclusion of known neurological or orthopedic conditions that causes this abnormal gait. The patients are then consulted by a psychiatrist for autism. Hereditary was found in 44% of cases. During the initial examination at all 120 patients of pre-school age identified the symptoms of sensory processing disorders of varying severity and modality. Among neuropsychiatric diagnoses were-dyspraxia of development and disorders of sensory processing (39%), autism (26,6%), ADHD (11,6%), receptive speech and CAPD (9,2%), anxiety phobic disorder of childhood (6,6%), tics and obsessive-compulsive disorder (5 %), enuresis (1,7%). By the age of 12-14 years, TPD was preserved in 53% of patients of varying severity. 3 patients underwent surgical correction. The spectrum of neuropsychiatric disorders has changed – psychoses (7,5%), dyspraxia (23%), specific personality disorders (30%), ADHD (15,8%), psychosomatic disorders (20%), obsessive compulsive disorder (9,2%), cognitive disorders (9,2%). TPD should not be seen as a pathognomonic symptom of autism, but as a marker of high comorbidity of other neuropsychiatric problems combined with symptoms of sensory dysintegration. As an isolated phenomenon of TPD is not registered.



transient pseudospasticity dysbasia (TPD)

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