ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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Relapsing factors for pediatric migraine

Last modified: 2018-09-09


Introduction: Many pediatric migraine patients are successfully treated with prophylactic medicines, but some are relapsed again. It is necessary to identify the factors associated with relapse. Methods: Of the 251 migraine cases with ICHD-II criteria, 82 were included (Jan 2013 to Dec 2014), were treated with prophylactics. Excluded were those without preventives or with no headache relieved. Prophylactics (mainly topiramate) were administered for at least 2-3 months, and ‘headache remission’ was defined as reduction in the number of headaches by more than 75% and lasting more than 2 months. After termination of drugs, they were observed for more than 2 months. When headache recurred after stop of medication, it was called 'headache relapse'. The patients were divided into relapse and non–relapse group (RG, NRG). Associated factors were analyzed by comparing age, sex, family history, duration of medication, sleep disturbance, stress, or dizziness in 2 groups. Statistics were Mann-Whitney test and binary logistic regression test for risk factors. Results: Thirty (36.6%) of them were relapsed. There were significant in ‘suffered period of headache’ and ‘duration of prophylactics’ between RG and NRG, in the other variants were not. For risk factors, the longer durations of suffered headache, of medication, and psychiatric problems or family history were significant. Conclusion: Risk factors were suggested that early diagnosis and identification of the trigger factors such as psychiatric problems are important to reduce recurrence of migraine.


Risk factors, Relapse, Pediatric migraine

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