ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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Neurodevelopmental assessment of children and adolescents with Neonatal Hypoglycemic Brain Injury (NHBI) to establish the developmental profile in the age group of 6 years- 16 years: A Pilot Study
pradnya gadgil, Yuvika Kamdar, Pavitra Desai, Abhishek Srivastava

Last modified: 2018-09-09


INTRODUCTION: Neonatal hypoglycemia is a common clinical metabolic problem in term as well as preterm babies especially in India. NHBI is believed to predominantly affect parieto-occipital regions causing cognitive, sensory, psychomotor, and behavioural deficits in children. There is a lack of studies characterising the clinical phenotype of NHBI. This study aims at comprehensive neurodevelopmental evaluation to understand the impact of NHBI in older age group (6-16 years).

METHOD: This prospective cross-sectional cohort study has just received ethics approval in our institute. Patients who match the inclusion/ exclusion criteria ( age/ definite NHBI with radiological evidence and exclusion of other etiologies) will be evaluated using WISC IV, NIMHANS Neuropsychological Battery for Children, MISIC, Purdue Pegboard Test and Conners 3 to assess the domains of  thinking, reasoning, speed of processing, attention, fine motor skills and behaviour.

RESULTS: We expect that children and adolescents with NHBI would show impairments in measured domains. (Note: We expect to have results from at least 10- 15 patients at time of presentation in the conference.)

CONCLUSIONS: NHBI is known to have long term effects on development and cognition. From clinical pratice it is well recognised that clinical phenotype of NHBI evolves from early childhood to adolescence. We will attempt to demonstrate this evolution and characterise the clinical phenotype. This should aid future clinical guidelines regarding surveillance, early diagnosis and intervention.


Paediatric; Adolescents; Neonatal Hypoglycaemia; Neonatal Hypoglycemic Brain Injury; Seizures; Developmental Delay; Cognitive impairment; Sensory issues;

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