ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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Use Of mobile media among children (0-8years) with ASD against the typically developing control group
Franzina Coutinho, Akansha Shah, Shantanu Tilak, Neelu Desai, Vrajesh Udani

Last modified: 2018-09-09


INTRODUCTION: Mobile media is an integral addition to most households today. Early access to screen time is a known to have harmful effects on the young mind. The current study aims to examine the pattern and extent of mobile media use in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) compared with typically developing controls.

METHODS: 68 individuals with ASD (mean age 3.626225 ±1.869748 years) and 68 controls (mean age 3.731618 ±1.846114 years) were enrolled. Main outcome measures included onset and frequency of mobile media use, in addition to the type of programme and when a caregiver encouraged media use for their children.

RESULTS: 51(75%) of those with ASD began to use media before the age of 2 years as compared to the controls 28(41.1%). The ASD group spent more time watching shows on media devices than controls (180.44 ±164.83 vs 106.21 ±88.187 min/day, p≤0.000). Children with ASD are 1.85 times more likely (P=0.0811) to watch non-interactive shows like Youtube vs controls.  There appeared to be no significant difference between the two groups when parents were asked if they provided screen time to children while performing activities like: Running errands, household chores, while together in a public gathering (wedding), putting their child to sleep, feeding their child.

CONCLUSION: There is an earlier onset and higher frequency of media usage in children diagnosed with Autism compared to children with typical development


ASD; Screen time; Mobile media use; Autism Spectrum Disorder

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