ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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Model of Integrated Support for the families of the children with traumatic brain injury: experience of one centre
Vivek Mundada, Gerard Anderson, Theresa Pass

Last modified: 2018-09-09



Traumatic brain injury (TBI) profoundly affects children and their families too.

Family-centred interventions achieve better outcomes in such children1. Support from professionals during the inpatient stay can reduce the stress of the family2.


In March 2017, Royal London Hospital, London collaborated with ‘Child Brain Injury Trust’, a voluntary organisation supporting families of the children affected by TBI. Since then 48 families have been supported through this ‘Model of Integrated Support’ until now.  The main point of contact is the ‘Child & Family Support Coordinator’who is associated with these families throughout the hospital stay and even after the discharge.


The aim of the model was to demystify brain injury to the parents, provide the support services and build the relationship with the family from the acute stage to ensure smooth transition back to home, the community and education. This model took proactive approach at each of the key transition points and was with the family throughout their journey.

This was achieved through regular family contacts, providing them catered information, awareness sessions for siblings,  teachers and the classmates and phased return to the school for children. The families were helped with available benefits and sometimes financial support through charity funding.


This model was found to take a proactive approach at each of the key transition points and the families were supported throughout their journey. By partnering with the clinical team at the major trauma centre, the support aimed to ‘complement not complicate’ existing services.


Neurorehabilitation; integrated support; family support co-ordinator

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