ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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Clinical characteristics and epilepsy outcomes after surgery in children with focal cortical dysplasia type II
tianshuang wang, Ming Liu, Jie Zhang, Lixin Cai, Qingzhu Liu, Yuwu Jiang, Ye Wu

Last modified: 2018-09-09


To explore clinical characteristics of children with FCD type II and epilepsy outcomes after surgery.

We retrospectively reviewed 48 cases with definitely pathological diagnoses, age onset ≤18 years old, and follow up ≥ 6 months after the surgery from pediatrics epilepsy center at Peking University First Hospital between 2014 and 2016.

Among 48 patients (male: female=24:24), the mean age of onset was 1.88 years (0-12.47). Seizure frequency was 8.72 times per day (0.03-50). Number of antiepileptic drugs before surgery was 2.64 (1-5). Eighteen (37.50%) had developmental retardation before onset and 13 (27.08%) experienced regression after onset. All patients had focal seizures. V-EEG records captured generalized seizures in 4.16%, epileptic spasms seizures in 27.08%, myoclonic seizures in 12.50%, tonic seizures in 8.33%, secondary generalized tonic-clonic seizures in 4.16%. Epilepsy duration was 3.15 years (0.44-12.19). The mean age of surgery was 5.00 years (0.79-15.79). Tailored cortical resection were performed in 93.75%, hemispherectomy in 6.25%. Twenty-eight (58.33%) resected lesions were located in frontal, 5 (10.42%) in parietal, 2 (4.16%) in temporal, 13 (27.08%) in multiple lobes. The duration of follow-up was 1.81±0.71 years and 85.41% achieved seizure free. There was no difference regarding clinical characteristics between pathological subtypes (IIa: IIb=16:32) and between seizure-free and recurrence group (41:7). According to lesion location (in seizure-free group), types of seizures were significantly different between single-lobe and multiple-lobes group (30:11) (P<0.05).

There was possible relationship between types of seizure and lesion location, which would be useful for better understanding of FCD type II in children.


focal cortical dysplasia; refractory epilepsy; epilepsy outcomes; clinical characteristics

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