ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2018

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ketogenic diet in infant with intractable epilepsy
alifiani hikmah putranti

Last modified: 2018-09-09



Ketogenic diet in infant with intractable epilepsy

Alifiani HP, M.Mexitalia ES, Aris Catur B, Jati Kusuma


Epilepsy is a syndrome that caused by interrupted of biochemical imbalance that resulted in disorganized of neuron electrical activity. The ketogenic diet as a part of epilepsy patient treatment to minimize the reccurancy of seizures. The ketogenic diet is high fat, low carbohydrate and protein. In this report, we discuss eficacy of ketogenic diet in infant.

A 11 month old boy was admitted to hospital with intractable epilepsy, microcephaly and developmental delayed. He has been diagnosed with epilepsy since 6 month old . Patient was treated with Valproic Acid 40 mg/kg/day, Topamax 7 mg/kg/day and Pyridoxine 30 mg/day but there was not any improvement. We performed longterm EEG with the result: general seizure maximal in frontotemporal. Brain MRI shows mild hippocampus atrophy.

Laboratory examination was performed, blood glucosa 56 mg/dl (low), total cholesterol 82 mg/dl, triglycerides 57 mg/dl, HDL cholesterol 18 mg/dl (low), LDL cholesterol 50 mg/dl, ureum 4 mg/dl and creatinin 0,2 mg/dl. Ketone 4,7 mmol/L

We plan ketogenic diet on the patient. Patient was given  ketogenic diet formula 4: 1.

On the third day of admission, seizure was improving and continue outpatient care.

Result : Treatment with ketogenic diet is advantegous to patient with intratable epilepsy


ketogenic diet- infant-intractable epilepsy





ketogenic diet-infant-intractable epilepsy

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