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ICNA has undergone seismic changes in the last 10 years under inspirational leadership, with the abolishment of fees that has increased the membership from 240 in 2004 to over 3000 in 2020, promotion of young leaders, Global Burden of Disease Fellowships, collaboration with national and international organisations, biennial International Congresses that generate income for ICNA and the publication of position ICNA papers on topics that are important for paediatric neurologists. I think following this tremendous increase in activity and change in membership, ICNA should consolidate and reach out to the members to ask what else ICNA can do for them.

I propose to:

  1. Survey ICNA members for their suggestions as to how the organisation can serve them;
  2. Reach out to areas under-served by ICNA and the ancillary professions, and promote child neurology in international organisations;
  3. Establish JICNA and ICNApedia as multi-lingual and technologically advanced platforms for the dissemination of scientific research and professional documents, that can be used for recognised Continuing Medical Education;
  4. Establish a registry of international studies on childhood neurological disorders for trials of rare disorders to the impact of global conditions e.g. COVID-19;
  5. Recognise founders and ardent supporters of ICNA such as Isabelle Rapin and Masaya Segawa through lectureships.
  6. Increase the Webinars and online workshops for ICNA members.

I vouch to support and develop further the initiatives and activities that are the core of ICNA, to ensure that ICNA continues to grow into a vibrant, energic truly international organisation for the benefit of professions that care for children with neurological disorders; and the children and their families with these disorders.

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