• Webinar: Introduction to Leukodystrophies by Nicole Wolf

    Webinar topic: Introduction to leukodystrophies
    Speaker: Nicole Wolf, Amsterdam University Medical Center, the Netherlands

    The two ERNs for Rare Neurological Diseases and Rare Neuromuscular Diseases (ERN-RND and ERN-EuroNMD) have launched a new joint educational program in collaboration with the European Academy of Neurology (EAN). The goal is to share knowledge on rare neurological, movement and neuromuscular disorders and fill the gap in the educational offer in these fields. Our target audiences are clinical specialists (neurologists and pediatric neurologists), neurology trainees. And other non-medical staff involved in the care of neurology patients. The webinars will treat different aspects of the disease groups covered in our networks such as clinical features, disease diagnosis and management, use of scales and flowcharts, and possible therapeutic interventions.

    For further information and to register for the webinars please visit: http://www.ern-rnd.eu