Sponsored lunch symposia

These sponsored lunch symposia are not a part of the CME accreditation

Monday May 2nd   
12.15 – 13.45 Sponsored lunch symposium 3 – Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: new insights into seizures and cognition
Room: Forum
Chair: Marie-Claire de Wit, the Netherlands
  1. Neurological and neuropsychiatric manifestations of tuberous sclerosis complex
    Petrus de Vries, South Africa
  2. Current treatments and emerging therapies for TSC-related seizures
    Paolo Curatolo, Italy
  3. Potential of early intervention on improving neurological outcomes
    Anna Jansen, Belgium

Sponsored lunch symposium 4 – Emerging Findings for CLN2 Disease Early Diagnosis and Management – At the Intersection of Epilepsy and Genetics
Room: Emerald Room
BioMarin Pharmaceutical

  1. CLN2 Disease and the Need for Early Diagnosis
    Ruth Williams, United Kingdom
  2. Insights into Natural History and Strategies to Optimise Patient Outcomes
    Angela Schulz, Germany
  3. Low Frequency IPS EEG – A Clue for Early Diagnosis
    Nicola Specchio, Italy
Tuesday May 3rd  
 12.15 – 13.45 Sponsored lunch symposium 3 – Identification of undiagnosed neurological disorders in paediatric patients: the hunt for Niemann-Pick disease Type C
Room: Emerald Room
Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Chair: Marc Patterson, U.S.A.
  1. A needle in a haystack: differential diagnosis of NP-C in the paediatric population
    Charles Lourenço, Brazil
  2. From NP-C suspicion to clinical practice
    Julian Raiman, United Kingdom
  3. Latest advances in NP-C diagnosis: building on biomarkers
    Peter Clayton, United Kingdom
  4. After diagnosis: treatment and monitoring of the disease
    Marc Patterson, U.S.A.

Sponsored lunch symposium 4 – Prolonged Seizures: Optimal Management of a Medical Emergency
Room: E104-E107

  1. Introduction, Definitions and Epidemiology of Prolonged Seizures
    Emilio Perucca, Italy
  2. Prolonged Seizures: Mechanisms of Action of Rescue Medications
    Steve White, U.S.A.
  3. Pharmacological Treatment of Prolonged Seizures: Treating Epileptic Seizures by the Clock
    Helen Cross, United Kingdom
  4. Burden of Uncontrolled Prolonged Seizures and Status Epilepticus
    Alexis Arzimanoglou, France
Wednesday May 4th  
  12.15 – 13.45 Sponsored lunch symposium 4 – Early diagnosis and treatment: the cornerstone of effective management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Room: Emerald Room
PTC Therapeutics
Chair: Eugenio Mercuri, Italy
  1. A typical journey in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: from diagnosis to referral and treatment
    Rosaline Quinlivan, United Kingdom
  2. Why genetic testing is crucial for the accurate diagnosis of a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
    Sylvie Tuffery-Giraud, France
  3. What do the latest data tell us about the use of ataluren in the management of patients with nonsense mutation Duchenne muscular dystrophy?
    Eugenio Mercuri, Italy
 Thursday May 5th   
  12.15 – 13.45 Sponsored lunch symposium 4 – Spotlight on SMA: latest perspectives and future landscapes
Room: Forum
Chair: Ludo van der Pol, the Netherlands
  1. The continuum of disease symptoms and diagnosis of SMA
    Ludo van der Pol, the Netherlands
  2. Multidisciplinary management of patients with SMA
    Eugenio Mercuri and Elena Mazzone, Italy
  3. The evolving SMA treatment landscape: what does the future hold?
    Susan Iannaccone, U.S.A.