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  • ICNA Educational Meeting, 2016, 5th-6th Nov. Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

ICNA Educational Meeting, 2016, 5th-6th Nov. Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

Dr. Jannatara Shefa

The Institute of Paediatric Neurodisorder and Autism (IPNA) in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) and International Child Neurology Association (ICNA) are proud to announce the ICNA Educational Meeting to be held in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh from 5-6 November 2016. The title of the meeting is “ICNA Educational Meeting: Towards Better Service in Child Neurology and Development”.

This jointly organized event is being held in Bangladesh for the first time, with the support of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Paediatric Association (BPA) and Bangladesh Society for Child Neurology, Development and Disability (BSCNDD)

The event will host internationally reputed scholars and will focus on exchange of knowledge, updated scientific presentations and discussions on best practice in child neurology and neurodevelopment. Moreover, we also hope to show you the natural beauty of Cox’s Bazar, which boasts the longest natural sea beach in the world.


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