Ana-Claire Meyer

US Army Medical Research and
Material Command, Frederick,
Maryland, USA

Ana-Claire Meyer is an Assistant Professor of Neurology in the Division of Neurological Infections and Global Neurology at Yale University School of Medicine. She is a graduate of Amherst College and Harvard Medical School. She trained in neurology at the Partners Neurology Program of Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Massachusetts General Hospital. She was a Veterans Affairs/Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles before joining the faculty at UCSF in 2008. She received an American Academy of Neurology Practice Research Training Fellowship in 2008 and the Fulbright Award in 2009.

Her clinical interests are in infectious diseases of the nervous system, particularly in the neurological complications of HIV infection and parasitic diseases. Her research focuses on improving capacity for and access to neurological care for underserved populations both domestically and internationally.

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