Mario A. Genel Castillo

Clinica de Epilepsia, Hospital de
Salud Mental, Tijuana B.C., Mexico

Dr. Mario Alberto Castillo Genel is a specialist in Neurology and has the Subspecialization in Epilepsia , brings a career of over 27 years and currently treats patients at the Clinic Neurologic located in the Edificio Plaza Pacific , located in the City from Tijuana , Baja California .

He is an expert in epilepsy, electroencephalography, prolonged video electroencephalography and epilepsy monitoring unit, among others.

He graduated as a General Physician from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) and later focused on the Specialty of Neurology at the Mexican Council of Neurology , he also completed a Fellowship in Epilepsy and Electroencephalography at the University of Calgary , abroad.

He is an Adjunct Professor of the course in Clinical Neurology , Epilepsy and Electroencephalography at the UABC.

Likewise, Dr. Genel Castillo is a Member of the Scientific Committee of the Mexican Chapter of the League Against Epilepsy (CAMELICE), the American Epilepsy Society , the Mexican Academy of Neurology (AMN), among others.