Omar Abdel-Mannan

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children,
London, UK

I graduated from Oxford University in 2011 after reading Medicine at St John's College between 2005-2011. I trained as an Academic Foundation doctor in North Central Thames deanery between 2011-2013, completing rotations in Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals, University College London Hospital, and Institute of Child Health. I was then selected as an Academic Clinical Fellow in Paediatrics (2013-2017) at University College London, combining my clinical run through training with academic research at the Institute of Child Health. After completing my paediatric level 1 and level 2 training I applied and gained entry into paediatric neurology subspecialty GRID training in London, starting at GOSH in March 2018. My interests lie in paediatric neurology, epidemiology, public health and medical education. I am secretary of the charity 'Medics for Egypt', trustee for the charity IMET2000 and one of the founding members of 'OxPal Medlink'