382 results - showing 11 - 20
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Prabhjot Kaur
Dr Prabhjot Kaur trained in India and completed her MD in Pediatrics from LHMC, New Delhi followed by DM in Pediatric Neurology from AIIMS, New Delhi. She is currently working as a Pediatric Neurologist in KIMS-Cuddles, Hyderabad, India.
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Chahnez Charfi Triki
Head of Child neurology department. University hospital University of Sfax. Tunisia Vice dean of research. Sfax medical school. University of Sfax. Tunisia Head of medical department. Sfax medical school. University of Sfax. Tunisia Editor Chief of Journal Regional de Santé de Sfax • Professor in charge and founder of degree on Epileptology (October 2000) in SfaxUniversity, Tunisia which is an eLearning since October 2006. • Co-Coordinator and founder of African child neurology training (2020) in Sfax medicalschool. • Founder of ILAE-EMR webinars educational, fellowship and teaching visitor programs • Professor in charge...
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Jill Zwicker
Professor Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy University of British Columbia Dr. Jill Zwicker is a Professor in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of British Columbia and an Investigator at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, Canada. She holds a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Pediatric Brain Development and Rehabilitation and is one of the few occupational therapists world-wide with expertise in pediatric brain imaging. As an internationally recognized scholar for her work with children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), Dr. Zwicker’s research program...
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Dr. David Coulter, Senior Staff Neurologist, Associate Professor of Neurology (retired), Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. Dr. Coulter retired from Boston Children’s Hospital in 2023, where he was a senior staff neurologist and associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School. He had previously been the chief of child neurology at Boston City Hospital. His professional career focused primarily on neurodevelopmental disabilities, especially epilepsy and intellectual disability (ID). He wrote the first report of benign neonatal sleep myoclonus in 1982. He served as President of the American Association on...
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Velda X. Han
Consultant, Division of Paediatric Neurology, Department of Paediatrics, Khoo Teck Puat - National University Children's Medical Institute, National University Hospital, Singapore Dr Velda X. Han is a Paediatric Neurologist at the Khoo Teck Puat - National University Children's Medical Institute, National University Hospital, and clinical assistant Professor at the Department of Paediatrics, National University Singapore. She completed her PhD at University of Sydney under the clinical neuroimmunology group. She is passionate about the research and treatment of childhood neuroinflammatory disorders.
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Terrence Thomas
Head & Senior Consultant Neurology Service KK Women's and Children's Hospital, Singapore Dr Terrence Thomas is the Head of Neurology Service at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Singapore. He has held a strong focus to medical education and medical Informatics. He enjoys clinical and research work in Neuroimmunology, and thinks there is a story to tell about the unique spectrum of immune-related neurological disorders amongst children living in South East Asia.
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Pr Azzedine  MEKKI
Pr Azzedine MEKKI Alger, Algérie Chef de service de Pédiatrie au CHU Hussein-Dey , Alger Neuropédiatre Professeur des universités à la faculté de médecine d’Alger Responsable du groupe Neurologie pédiatrique et maladies du métabolisme à la société Algérienne de pédiatrie Coordinateur national des maladies rares Vice-président de la ligue Algérienne pour la prise en charge de l’épilepsie Investigateur principal de plusieurs essais cliniques Auteur de nombreux articles et publications
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Ezgi Çağlar
Dr. Ezgi Çağlar graduated from Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine in 2004. She worked as an ambulance physician for 2 years. She received my Pediatrics residency from Mersin University in 2013-2018. She worked as a pediatrician for 4 years. Due to her interest in neurology, she started working in child neurology as a fellow at Mersin University in 2022. She is a member of ICNA and FLICNA. She is interested in neuromuscular disease , neuroimmunology and epilepsy.
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Elif Perihan Öncel
Dr. Elif Perihan ONCEL graduated from Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine in Bursa, Türkiye. She completed her Pediatrics Residency at the Health Sciences University, Tepecik Training and Research Hospital in Izmir, Türkiye, and also her Pediatric Neurology Fellowship at the Baskent University, Adana Dr. Turgut Noyan Application and Research Center and Ankara Hospital. Currently, she is working at Ankara Etlik City Hospital as a Pediatric Neurology Consultant. She is a member of the International Child Neurology Association (ICNA) and Future Leaders of ICNA (FLICNA), the Young European Paediatric Neurology Society (YEPNS), the Asian and Oceanian...
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Ozlem Ersoy
Dr. Ozlem Ersoy graduated from Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine in Istanbul Turkey and finished Pediatrics residency in Haseki Training and Research Hospital in Istanbul. She worked as pediatrician for almost 5 years mostly in neonatal intensive care unit. Then finished pediatric neurology fellowship in Mersin University Faculty of Medicine in Mersin. She is now working in Mersin City Training and Research Hospital as Pediatric Neurology Consultant.
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382 results - showing 11 - 20
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