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Response to Melatonin Treatment in Children With Autism spectrum Disorder and Relationship to Sleep Parameters and Melatonin Levels

Journal of Child Neurology, Ahead of Print.
Melatonin is one of the most used pharmacologic treatments for sleep problems in autism spectrum disorder, though its relationship with circadian and sleep parameters is still not well stablished. A naturalistic study was conducted in children with autism spectrum disorder, previously drug-naïve, before and after treatment with immediate-release melatonin. Circadian rhythms and sleep parameters were studied using an ambulatory circadian-monitoring device, and saliva samples were collected enabling determination of dim light melatonin onset. Twenty-six children with autism spectrum disorder (age 10.50  ±  2.91) were included. Immediate-release melatonin modified circadian rhythm as indicated by wrist skin temperature, showing an increase at night. A positive correlation was found between time of peak melatonin and sleep efficiency improvement values. Sleep-onset latency and efficiency improved with immediate-release melatonin. Immediate-release melatonin could be an effective treatment to improve sleep onset and restore a typical pattern of wrist temperature, which appears to be lost in autism spectrum disorder.

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